English Book Education is pleased to invite you to another professional development event organised by Oxford University Press.
The online event will answer the following questions:
What is EMI and in what contexts is it used (students, teachers, types and locations of institutions)?
What are global skills and why are they important?
Oxford Day Online will equip participants with practical ideas for brining L1 into an EMI programme and ways of assessing global skills in a regular ELT context.
Date: 27th October. Time: 16:00 (Tbilisi Time)
16:00-16:10 Introduction 16:10-17:10 Session N1: The Use of L1 in EMI 17:20-18:10 Session N2: Assessing Global Skills 18:10-19:30 Q&A
Session N1. The Use of L1 in EMI
Many people consider that using the students’ first language in the English Medium Instruction (EMI) classroom to be wrong. However, there are many arguments for incorporating it, even if these might at first seem counterintuitive. In this session we will establish what we mean by EMI and its varied context, we will then look at the benefits of using the first language, and see how it can best be incorporated.
Session N2. Assessing Global Skills
For learners to succeed in the 21st century they need to develop a set of global skills which enable them to go beyond what the traditional school subjects can offer. The incorporation of global skills is to some degree already present in most ELT classrooms. However, if we really wish to promote and develop global skills in our learners we need to be clear about what successful use of these skills looks like and how we can assess them. This session addresses these issues and identifies how you can incorporate these into your current teaching practice.

Ushapa Fortescue is a Graduate of Manchester Metropolitan University, has a CELTA, a Teacher Training certificate for the Post 16 sector and is a certified trainer for the Oxford Teachers’ Academy courses. With over 18 years of varied teaching experience both in the UK and abroad, the combination of qualifications means that in the UK she has taught in statuary primary and secondary schools, post 16 adult education, private language schools, Further Education Colleges and UK Universities.

Erika Osváth, MEd in Maths, DTEFLA, is a freelance teacher, teacher trainer, materials writer and co-author with Edmund Dudley of Mixed Ability Teaching (Into the Classroom series, OUP). Before becoming a freelance trainer in 2009, she worked for International House schools for 16 years in Eastern and Central Europe, where she worked as a YL co-ordinator, trainer on CELTA, LCCI,1-1, Business English, YL and VYL courses, and Director of Studies. She has extensive experience in teaching very young learners, young learners and teenagers.