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Resources for the start of the new term

Young Learners

It’s a new year and a new class so see what your young learners already know. Check their vocabulary with this Classroom Objects worksheettaken from our new primary course Global Stage.  Have some fun and try out some of these Global Stage games with your young learners. Looking for some really useful primary classroom tips but feeling pressed for time? Check out these top classroom tips from Global Stageand watch these brilliant short video clips from Tiger Time author Mark Ormerod. Download Carol Read’s list of Top Tips for Establishing Positive Relationships with Young Learners. Building effective relationships with parents is also hugely important. Take our quiz to find out if you communicate well with parents and to learn more about what makes a successful home-school link.


If you and your students are new to Gateway this term, this short quizfrom the author himself will help you find your way around the course. If you’ve got shy students in your class this term, take a look at these tips from Gateway author Dave Spencer to see how you can encourage them to use English in the classroom. Use our Gateway flipped classroom playlist to introduce the flipped classroom into your lessons and find out how it can be successfully applied with the help of Gateway 2nd Edition.


Did you know that Language Hub, our brand-new course for adult learners, includes tips and ideas from the bestselling Macmillan Books for Teachers series? Take a look at this article from author Jim Scrivener on how to plan and set up a simple classroom activity. Start a debate with your new elementary students with this vocabulary worksheet from Language Hub. Get your students talking about their summer holidays with this U is for activity card from our teacher training partners at Nile. Watch our adult authors talk about their favourite lessons from their much-loved respective courses, then download samples and tips to try out in your own classroom.


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