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Training and Conferences

  1. Macmillan Education ELT Training

‘Teaching & Learning: Tools, Techniques and Classroom Strategies’

  1. Classroom Management

  2. Teaching Language

  3. Teaching Skills

  4. Teaching Techniques

  5. Teaching Tools

                 Trainer: Daniela Clarke

  1. Pearson ELT Training

  2. Bridging the Authenticity Gap – Helping learners connect with authentic language through video

  3. Tackling Task Based Learning

Trainer: Philip Warwick

  1. Macmillan June Conference

‘Life Skills for Young Learner’

‘Creativity and communication through story and drama’

Trainer: Carol Read

‘Formality and register in exam writing tasks’

‘Simple future – how do we REALLY talk about the future in English?’

Trainer: Malcolm Mann

‘Don’t miss a trick!’

‘Building to Communicate’

           Trainer: Roisin O’Farrell

‘Bringing Culture into the ELT Classroom’

           Trainer: Nick Goode

  1. Macmillan July Training Conference

           ‘Error no Terror’

‘Teaching & Learning English with the Brain in Mind’

           ‘Critical thinking makes sense’

How to maximize impact of teaching in a modern foreign language classroom?’

            Trainer: Grzegorz Spiewak

‘Sizzling grammar: Embracing change and teaching with spark!’

‘Setting the limits in the ESL classroom; Managing behavior’

‘Critical thinking for children: Using CLIL’

‘How to enhance reading and learning through games and activities’

‘How do children become strong readers? Encouraging literacy in the primary classroom’

‘Supporting children’s needs in writing through differentiation’

          Trainer: Sarah Oskay

         ‘Encouraging Students to Speak’

‘Spice Up Your Lessons’

‘Improve their Listening Skills’

‘Building Vocabulary for TOEFL’

          Trainer: Daniela Clarke

  1. Macmillan Education Training

‘21st Century Skill No. 1: Self-esteem in the Classroom’

‘Idioms: in the world, in the classroom’

Trainer: Luke Prodromou[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-users” title=”2015 წელი” tab_id=”1479128279900-8b1188a1-45c9″ add_icon=”true”][vc_column_text]

  1. Macmillan Training

“ Open Mind and Life Skills”

Trainer: Steve Taylore-Knowles

  1. Macmillan Training

“Pair and group work: it’s not what you do, but how you do it”

“Listening skills: the course-book and beyond”

“Error correction: how and why?

Trainer: Philip Kerr

  1. Macmillan Conference

“Letting Go”

“Beyond belief: What do you and your students believe about language learning?”

Trainer: Steve Taylore-Knowles

“Personalisation: What does it mean in practice?”

“Using Rebuses to Help Develop and Consolidate Vocabulary”

Trainer: Malcolm Mann

“In a World of Pure Imagination”

“Developing Cultural Awareness with Teens”

Trainer: Fiona Mauchline

“Bringing reading to life”

Trainer: Jo Greig

  1. Macmillan Conference

“Grammar Rules! Grammar in the Secondary Classroom”

“What’s the story? Using stories in the Secondary Classroom”

Trainer: David Spencer

“Warmers and Coolers for Teenagers and Young Adults”

Trainer: Daniela Clarke

“Challenge High”

Trainer: Kenn Norris

“CLIL for ELT”

“Content Projects in the Language Classroom”

Trainer: Keith Kelly

  1. Cambridge Day

“Focusing on the learner & developing thinking skills”

“Teaching Teenagers – how is it different? What can we do to make learning as    productive as possible?”

Trainer: Peter Holly

Cambridge University Press[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-users” title=”2014 წელი” tab_id=”1479128219332-d56851e2-7eb3″ add_icon=”true”][vc_column_text]

  1. “General Methodology of English Language Teaching”

“Preparation for LCCI and PTE Exams”

Trainer:  Philip Warwick

  1. Teaching Tips :

“Approaches to reading skills (including a focus on Onestopenglish)”

“Making Vocabulary More Memorable”

“Teaching pronunciation – some practical activities”

“Exploiting the target culture”

Trainer: Tim Bowen

  1. Macmillan Education Conference

‘ Upgrade! Demand High to Bring a Grammar Lesson Alive’

Trainer: Jim Scrivener

‘Translate your coursebook’

Trainer: Philip Kerr

‘Providing Students with Life Skills for the 21st Century and Beyond

Trainer: Teresa Doguelli

  1. Macmillan Summer Training

“Classroom Management”



Trainer: Teresa Doguelli, Silvija Andrenovich, Marrion Oner, Srah Oskey, Peter Torpy

  1. Macmillan Conference – English Language and Economic Development in the Globalized World

‘English and Economic Development

Trainer: David Graddol

‘Seven ways to Promote Creativity in the Classroom’

Trainer: Carol Read

‘Motivate: Eight Key Factors in Motivating Teenage Students’

Trainer: David Spencer[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-users” title=”2013 წელი” tab_id=”1479128162342-1a4ddcf6-9948″ add_icon=”true”][vc_column_text]

  1. EFL Activities for Effective Teaching

Trainer: Judy Garton Sprenger(New Inspiration series Co-author)

  1. How to Teach Young Learners Effectively with English World

Trainer: Maura O’Brien

  1. Pearson Methodology Conference

‘Breaking the monotony-a brief look at exam classes’

Trainer: Piotr Steinbrich

‘Drilling equals repetition equals practice? How to say the same things creatively.’

Trainer: Jeremy Harmer

‘Using online (and offline) resources in the classroom.’

Trainer: Piotr Steinbrich

‘All together now? Why classes are mixed ability and what we can do about it.’

Trainer: Jeremy Harmer

  1. Macmillan Education Summer Training

          Trainer:   Rebeca Hable, Teresa Doguelli, Silvija Andrenovich, Marrion Oner, Srah Oskey

  1. Macmillan Education Conference

‘How to teach secondary classes’

‘Word Perfect-How to help Secondary students boost their vocabulary.’

Trainer: Dave Spencer

‘Learning in Style’

‘What’s the story? Motivating learners through interaction with text.’

Trainer: Judy Garton-Sprenger

‘10 ways to increase a 21st century student’s motivation

‘Creativity with Dialogues.’

Trainer: Teresa Doguelli

‘Blended Learning with New Inspiration and Gateway.’

Trainer: Andy Poole

  1. Macmillan Young Learners Conference

Plenary-‘Creating Conditions for Positive Learning’

Workshop-‘Developing Intercultural Competence with Children’

Trainer: Carol Read

Plenary-‘Beginning and ending’

Workshop-‘Making Grammar More Enjoyable’

Trainer: Nina Lauder

Plenary-‘The Home-School Connection’

Workshop-‘Differentiated Institution in the English Language Classroom’

Trainer: Maura O’Brien[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-users” title=”2012 წელი” tab_id=”1479127993030-f076c64e-01fc” add_icon=”true”][vc_column_text]

  1. “Teaching Methodology; Translation and Use of Mother Language”

Trainer: Philip Kerr

Macmillan Teacher Trainer

Author of “Straightforward” and “Inside Out” series.

  1. “Preparing Students Successfully for ELT Exams”

Trainer: Malcolm Mann

Macmillan Teacher Trainer; TESOL International President

Author of “Laser” and “Destination” series.

  1. “Developing Everyday Communicative English” (for University Students)

Trainer: Trevis Lindemann

Freelance teacher trainer (TLG)

  1. Summer Trainings for Georgian Teachers for New Accredited Textbooks

  2. Summer School for University Students

Trainer: Lauries Eibersteiner[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-users” title=”2011 წელი” tab_id=”1479127992321-60dcce15-dfc3″ add_icon=”true”][vc_column_text]

  1. “How to Start Teaching Young Learner’s for EFL Teachers”

Trainer: Teresa Doguelli

ELT Consultant and Oxford Teachers’ Academy Course Director

  1. “CELTA Preparation Course for University Lecturers”

Trainer: Guy Monk

New College Nottingham

  1. “ Everyday Communicative English” (for University Students)

Trainer: Trevis Lindemann

Freelance teacher trainer (TLG)

  1. “Intensive Training in Modern Methodology “Effective English” (for University Students)

Trainer: Teresa Doguelli

ELT Consultant and Oxford Teachers’ Academy Course Director

  1. “General Methodology “What is Old, What is New?”

Trainer: Teresa Doguelli

ELT Consultant and Oxford Teachers’ Academy Course Director[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-users” title=”2010 წელი” tab_id=”1479127894080-63b291cc-18b4″ add_icon=”true”][vc_column_text]

  1. “Practical Approach to Skill Development”

Trainer: Guy Monk

New College Nottingham

  1. “Helping the Learner’s Learn”

Trainer: Guy Monk

New College Nottingham

  1. “Grammar and Reading Development Skills for EFL Teachers”

Trainer: Teresa Doguelli

ELT Consultant and Oxford Teachers’ Academy Course Director

  1. “Why and How to get Student’s Reading in the 21st Century”

Trainer: Bill Bowler

Oxford University Press

Author of Dominoes Series [/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-users” title=”2009 წელი” tab_id=”1479127893419-d9a2b16e-843a” add_icon=”true”][vc_column_text]

  1. “Lexical Approach and Dramatic Teaching ,Dramatic Results”

Trainer: Teresa Doguelli

ELT Consultant and Oxford Teachers’ Academy Course Director

  1. “Effective Studying Skills – Using Your Whole Brain”

Trainer: Teresa Doguelli

ELT Consultant and Oxford Teachers’ Academy Course Director

  1. “Grammar, Emotional Intelligence and Classroom Dynamics”

Trainer: Jullietta Schoenmann

New College Nottingham

  1. “General Principles for Good ELT Tests”

Trainer: Teresa Doguelli

ELT Consultant and Oxford Teachers’ Academy Course Director

  1. “Aural Training Strategies in the Classroom”

Trainer: Adrian Tennant

Author of ELT textbooks

“Global”, “Straightforward”; “New Inspiration”; “Attitude”

  1. ”Rapport and Developing Listening Skills with NLP”

Trainer: Kathy Gude

Tutor and teacher trainer

Oxford University Press

Author of ELT textbook “Matrix”[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-users” title=”2008 წელი” tab_id=”1479127777056-910d829a-a388″ add_icon=”true”][vc_column_text]

  1. ”Teaching Teenagers and Different Ways of Using Songs and Music in the Classroom”

Trainer: Mark Andrews

Tutor; Teacher Trainer

Oxford University Press

  1. “Moving the Rules Off the Page”

Trainer: Leslie Ataker

Senior Lecturer; trainer

Nottingham Trent University

  1. “Engaging Young Learners with Emotion and Narratives in Language Learning”

Trainer: Leslie Ataker

Senior Lecturer; trainer

Nottingham Trent University[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-users” title=”2007 წელი” tab_id=”1479127777020-e9fc1947-9250″ add_icon=”true”][vc_column_text]

  1. “Learning Through Games”

Trainer: Leslie Ataker

Professor; Teacher Trainer

New College Nottingham

  1. “Teaching ESP to Adults”

Trainer: Mark Andrews

Tutor; Teacher Trainer

Oxford University Press[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][/vc_tta_tour][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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