1. Don’t Go It Alone
No question, it can be intimidating to go solo in a professional setting. You’re putting yourself out there with potentially serious ramifications for your career. Instead, it can be helpful to have a friend to watch your back and advocate on your behalf.
At networking events or professional conferences, the ice between making new contacts can be too thick to break on your own. Working as a team doubles your chances of being seen and heard.
2. Keep Your Eyes Open
When in a group conversation, a lot of seasoned professionals will maintain a conversation but as they’re talking, they’re also scanning the room for people who might want to join the group, but aren’t sure how. There’s no reason why you can’t do the same when you see someone you know struggling to join the conversation.
3. Protect Your Credibility
It’s important to be an advocate for others, especially when they’ll return the favor for you, but be cautious about putting your credibility on the line. As a young professional, you don’t have the stock to vouch for just anybody if they truly aren’t a good fit.
Whoever you bring into the group conversation is a reflection on you and your credibility. If you bring in someone who fits in perfectly, you’ve just established yourself even more. But bring in someone who appears incompetent and the group is going to think you’re no better.
4. Start Positive
When you have an “in” with a group, start off by making a good impression. Chime in to the conversation when somebody says something you agree with so you can engage on a positive note.
You can play contrarian later, after you’ve developed some rapport, but a simple affirmation helps set the right tone for the conversation and ensures the group you’re not out to second guess them on every topic.
5. Watch the Group’s Dynamics
In most circumstances, it’ll be easy to tell whether the group wants you in or wants you to move along. If you stumble upon a group that is close-knit, they might not want to include you right away. Don’t force yourself on them if they’re not welcoming.
If the members don’t step back to include you in the circle after several minutes of standing nearby and a few attempts to join the conversation, look elsewhere.
6. Start Now
Networking and personal interaction in a professional setting doesn’t come easily to most people. But the data shows it’s still expected of you. Failing to practice can hurt your chances at landing a job or moving up the corporate ladder.
It’s best to start early. People expect young professionals to come off a little awkward and unpolished, at first, because it’s a new experience. Most people will be empathetic to nerves when you first start out. However, if you’re 45-55 years old and still learning the ropes, people might question your interpersonal skills.
Take advantage of the leniency while it’s granted, or your friend might soon outrank you.Source