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ELT Together- Four weeks of Professional Development Webinars

Mark Richard

Project Based Learning: From first steps to project purism

Many language teachers are attracted to project work in theory, but feel they don’t have the time or resources to make projects work in practice. This webinar will showcase different types of projects, helping teachers decide which type best fits their classroom, and address practical considerations such as availability of resources and time constraints.

September 24th | 13:00 Tbilisi Time

Zarina Subhan

Intercultural Competence and Citizenship: How 2020 has taught us it is more important than ever

In this webinar, we will explore how English language educators can improve their students’ intercultural competence and citizenship. The English language classroom is the ideal place to teach these essential global skills, preparing students to become successful 21st century citizens.

September 28th | 21:00 Tbilisi Time

Kirstin McCreadie

How to Increase your Team’s Change Resilience

This webinar will equip managers with knowledge and strategies to help their teams increase their resilience to change. The techniques will also help people to feel more supported whilst working remotely, which is critical in our current environment.

September 29th | 18:00 Tbilisi Time

Alex Paramour

Assessing online: Adapting our assessment practices to the new normal

In this session, we’ll look at some of the key challenges of online assessment. We’ll consider how technology and alternative approaches to assessment can provide practical solutions to some of these challenges while also enriching our teaching and offering deeper insights into our students’ learning.

October 1st | 18:00 Tbilisi Time

Erika Osváth

Managing mixed abilities and utilising Assessment For Learning in the primary classroom

Whether returning to the classroom, continuing to learn online, or a combination of the two, our students will now be more mixed in their abilities than usual. In this webinar, we will be looking at ways of re-engaging our students as efficiently and effectively as possible, ways of involving parents in their children’s learning, and using assessment for learning to meet the specific needs of the primary learner.

October 5th | 18:00 Tbilisi Time

Nergis Uyan

How to become a remote manager overnight

How can school leaders effectively manage and support teachers remotely? In this webinar, we will discuss several ways that managers can lead their teams remotely, whilst keeping effectiveness and quality standards high. We will explore some of the key challenges of this period and look at some practical suggestions to overcome these.

October 6th | 13:00 Tbilisi Time

Philip Haines

Inquiry Based Learning in the ELT Classroom

In this session we will start by defining what inquiry-based learning is and discussing its benefits. We will then move on to look at the difficulties teachers face in implementing this approach. Finally, the main part of the session will focus on overcoming these difficulties and giving practical advice for its implementation in the language classroom.

October 7th | 21:00 Tbilisi Time

Charlotte Murphy

Teaching Advanced Level Learners in the ELT Classroom

How do we keep advanced level learners challenged and inspired? What support is there for teachers who feel pressure in creating level-appropriate lessons? This session will highlight some issues that might arise, both for the students and teachers, and will explore an array of solutions to combat them. You will gain practical tips and advice to help you develop your own approaches.

October 8th | 18:00 Tbilisi Time

David Stevenson

Flipped Teaching with Primary Students: It’s not just about more homework

Many teachers will soon be teaching blend of offline and online lessons. This practical session will look at some of the approaches we can use for blended teaching, consider which activities are suitable for primary students to complete independently, and discuss how to link independent learning to our face-to-face classes.

October 12th | 13:00 Tbilisi Time

Edmund Dudley

Picking Up the Pieces: assessment for learning and managing mixed abilities in the ‘new normal’ classroom

This webinar will look at assessment-for-learning techniques such as observation, discussion, and self-assessment. Teachers can use these techniques to assess students’ holistic needs and develop their strengths using exploratory, collaborative, and open-ended learning processes. We will also explore ways we can use assessment to support learners with different needs while also maintaining group cohesion and harmony.

October 13th | 21:00 Tbilisi Time

Nate Owen

Language Assessment Literacy

The purpose of this session is to introduce language teachers to key concepts in language assessment literacy (LAL) and practical approaches to dealing with the demands of language assessment in the language classroom. In the session, we will discuss important concepts such as test purpose, validity and reliability, washback and test fairness.

October 14th | 18:00 Tbilisi Time

Tammy Gregersen

Language Teacher Wellbeing: What Educational Leaders Can Do

This webinar explores how educational leaders can enhance language teachers’ wellbeing. We will examine the characteristics of positive institutions and propose proactive measures to help teachers expand their autonomy, work with others, and respond positively to reforms and innovations, especially during the difficult times we are living in.

October 15th | 13:00 Tbilisi Time


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