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Macmillan Education Webinars: Back to School 2021

Dear teachers,

We are pleased to invite you to Back to School webinar series organized by Macmillan Education from 10th to 16th August 2021. Live webinars involving ready-to-use resources, tips and practical strategies and key themes such as mindfulness, formative assessment, tools and approaches to hybrid learning and much more will fill you with new energy, new ideas and new strategies to help you get a fresh start for the upcoming school year.


Date: 10 August 2021

Topic: Introducing Mindfulness: practical tools to help with anxiety & burnout

Abstract: Breathworks hands-on workshop will introduce you to the benefits of mindfulness practice, both experientially and as described by research. You will learn techniques, including a simple breathing practice, which you can start using straight away whenever the going gets tough.

Trainer: Karen Liebenguth is an accredited mindfulness teacher, mindfulness supervisor, accredited master coach and facilitator. She is an accredited and associate mindfulness trainer with Breathworks and offers tailored mindfulness & coaching programs for the workplace. Karen set up Green Space Coaching & Mindfulness in 2008 to foster personal and professional development, self-leadership and mental resilience.

Registration Links with Tbilisi time:


Date: 11 August 2021

Topic: Formative assessment online, hybrid or face-to-face

Abstract: With the new academic year just around the corner, this session aims to get you thinking about best practices for formative assessment. We’ll start by defining this type of assessment and discuss why it is a key ingredient to any English course, whether it be online, hybrid or face-to-face. Then we’ll look at a wide variety of practical techniques and activities that can be easily implemented with students of various ages / levels.

Trainer: Ethan Mansur is the author of the teacher’s book for the 4th edition of Ready for B2 First. He currently teaches at International House Madrid, where he participates in the professional development program. He has an MA in Applied Linguistics and TESOL from the University of Leicester.

Registration Links with Tbilisi time:


Date: 12 August 2021

Topic: Key Tools and Approaches to Hybrid Learning

Abstract: What is the most effective way to approach hybrid learning? How can the teacher make a hybrid lesson more student focused? In this talk Russell will deal with these issues looking at both an approach to hybrid learning as well as a review of some of the most useful technologies. This is a talk full of practical ideas, focusing on easy to use technologies and approaches to hybrid learning. If you are looking for ideas and tools to use, then this is the ideal talk.

Trainer: Russell Stannard is a multi award-winning Educational Technologist and founder of He received awards from the British Council ELTONS, the Times Higher and the University of Westminster for his work in the use of ICT in education. He is especially known for his work in using technology to enhance feedback, teaching online and blended/flipped learning.

Registration Links with Tbilisi time:


Date: 26 August 2021

Topic: Motivating Learning Online for all Students

Abstract: While most teachers are now more confident teaching with technology and online, many teachers are still reporting that student motivation remains a challenge. In this interactive webinar, Anna Hasper explores the concept of motivation and highlights the importance of shifting away from teachers motivating learners to student-generated motivation and finding ways to ignite the fire from within.

Trainer: Anna Hasper is a primary-trained ELT teacher from New Zealand, currently based in Dubai. She has worked as a teacher of young learners and adults and is a teacher trainer on Cambridge accredited courses, face to face and online.

Registration Links with Tbilisi time:


Date: 9 September 2021

Topic: Designing and Organising Project Work Online

Abstract: A successful language learner does not only know the right vocabulary and grammar but is also able to complete authentic, real-life tasks and projects. Join this webinar to discover how to design and organise project work online to help your learners practise their language skills, boost creativity, improve collaboration, develop critical thinking and communication skills. I will explain how to set up, conduct and evaluate engaging online tasks and projects. I will also offer the essential selection of apps and ICT solutions to support you and your learners on the path to success in online project work. Join in!

Trainer: Łukasz Olesiak, an experienced ELT and CALL teacher at the Institute of Modern Languages at the Pedagogical University of Cracow and a teacher trainer for Macmillan Education. His professional interests focus on using digital technologies in English Language Teaching and methods of ELT.

Registration Links with Tbilisi time:


Date: 16 September 2021

Topic: How to Assess Project Work

Abstract: Assessing project work can be a difficult process when teaching in-person lessons, but it can be especially difficult when we are teaching in a virtual environment. How can we ensure that the outcomes of project work, as well as the skills needed to successfully engage in these types of tasks, are meaningfully assessed, online and offline? This webinar aims to explore the outcomes and skills we can assess during project work as well as the practicalities of how we can do this in our various settings. Participants will be provided with solutions and suggestions that they can take back to their schools and use with their own students.

Trainer: Joanne Mitten has worked in both the UK Post Primary Sector (English Literature Teacher) and the Irish English Language Teaching sector since 2009. As part of her current role with ATC Language Schools, Joanne has developed extensive young learner syllabi and short courses and she has delivered training on materials writing, pastoral care and the practicalities of overhauling academic programs.

Registration Links with Tbilisi time:


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